Integation of the ERE 132 into the Reford Gardens

The sanctuary upon which resides the ERE 132 is a tourist site, a cultural destination and a historic place that welcomes some 55,000 visitors a year. Named “Gardens of the year” in 2014 by the Canadian Garden Council, the Reford Gardens now wants to broaden its activities, thus stimulating the interest of a younger clientele, notably by forging partnerships with the local university and college environments. The establishment of the ERE 132 on the site of the Reford Gardens is in line with this new phase of development. 

Villa Estafan Jardins de Metis

Thanks to the expertise of the team of the Reford Gardens in the domain of architecture, the ERE 132 Eco Home is ideally placed to disseminate the regional knowledge and know-how in eco-construction, particularly in the promotion of its greatest resource, that of wood.

Seven buildings have been constructed in wood on the site of the Reford Gardens for which they have received awards over the last ten years. In particular, they received a medal in architecture from the Governor General in 2006 and an award from the Coalition Bois Québec in 2010

Under the guise of a single-family home, the ERE 132 reveals itself as a world-class innovation of discovery, partnerships and research. It is the moment in time when our visitors live the experience first-hand, seeing and understanding all the decisions carried out before construction and at the point when the ERE 132 becomes a viable eco-friendly alternative. The message delivered is simple: To build is to choose; to build well is beneficial to the environment, to one’s health and to the regional economy as a whole.

Alexander Reford, Director of the Reford Gardens

Moreover, the International Garden Festival, which since the year 2000, has attracted close to a million visitors, exemplifies a highly creative dimension on the architectural front. The launch of the ERE 132 Eco Home, an exemplary model of green construction and architecture will serve to strengthen the mission of the Reford Gardens. The director of the Reford Gardens, Alexander Reford, hopes that this new tourist attraction will allow for both the diversification and increase in his clientele while, at the same time, give major visibility to the business partners of the Lower Saint Lawrence who are involved in this venture.
