Four-phase implementation

In early 2012, the Eco Home project takes flight, the team is assembled. The creators of the project, Pierre Etcheverry and Marie-Hélène Nollet, add five more people with a wealth of expertise to the dream team: Marie-Élaine Banville (Groupe Architecture MB), Aurélie Hubert (Tetra Tech, formally BPR), Stéphane Héroux (CLD de la Mitis), Sarah Landry (Green Building Cluster) and Alexander Reford (Reford Gardens) as promoter and future owner of the building.


PHASE 1 — 2012 
Decouvrez ContexteProjetDefinition and design of the project: choice of site, regulatory studies, performance targets, selection criteria of participants, business plan, financial calibration, visibility plan and solicitation of funding.
PHASE 2 — 2013
Decouvrez QuatrePhases Phase2Solicitation of partners and funding, validation of both technical alternatives and architectural concept, implementation, hiring of a coordinating officer.
PHASE 3 — 2014 - 2015
Decouvrez QuatrePhases Phase3Solicitation of partners and funding, adjustments to the architectural concept, enhancement programs, communication plan, call for tenders and selection of bidders, construction.
PHASE 4 — à partir de 2015 
Decouvrez QuatrePhases Phase4Hiring of staff, operation and market readiness.

The building of the Eco Home on the site of the Reford Gardens must reinforce the mandate of the regional recreation and tourism consortium in accordance with the principles that are held dear to the administrators of Elsie Reford’s legacy: respect for the environment and awareness of the many environmental issues at play.

This committee determines the guidelines and implements the directives issued by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Exports (ACCORD Program), as well as the recommendations of the Green Building Cluster. The project will come to fruition over the course of four distinct phases leading to construction during the winter months from November 2014 to March 2015.

The inauguration will take place on June 4, 2015.
