Build green, it pays off


Energie BorneElectrique

The environmental footprint of a home depends, not only on its design, but also on its location. The chosen construction site must provide a method of sustainable soil management as well as environmental benefits: The location must not encroach upon agricultural land, forests or other natural areas. Rather, it must be in the vicinity of areas already developed. Your home will therefore require less in terms of road infrastructure and electricity.

Nevertheless, all efforts invested to decrease the environmental impact of the home will be in vain by the mere fact of living far away from one’s place of work and from essential services. Living 25 km from one’s work, means travelling 50 km per day, 250 km per week; this equates to 260 hours of driving per year and will expend 2.73 tonnes of greenhouse gases! This is yet one more reason to plug in an  electric car, as is the case with the ERE 132 Eco Home. 

Interested in LEED® certification? Learn more about the associated costs, benefits and certification process..
